среда, 11 марта 2020 г.


Նախադասությունները գրել անցյալ ժամանակաձևով։

1. Mammoths were big animals, bigger than elephants. (be)

2. Mammoths didn't live 100 years ago. (not live)

3. Mammoths lived a long time ago. (live)

4. Mammoths didn't eat meat. They ate grass. (not eat/ eat)

5. They had two large tusks about three metres long. (have)

6. I paid by credit card. I didn't pay cash. ( pay/ not pay)

7. He drank some milk. He  didn't drink any water. ( drink, not drink)

8. She only spent a pound. She didn't spend 3 pounds. ( spend/ not spend)

9. I saw some elephants. I didn't see any lions. ( see/ not see)

10. They swam in the sea, but they didn't swim in the lake. ( swim, not swim)

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